Customer Story How the American Red Cross and PEANUTS® Joined Forces to Inspire the Community

American Red Cross_2

The American Red Cross Biomedical Services plays a critical role in the United State’s health care system. It is the single largest supplier of blood and blood products in the nation, collecting and processing approximately 40% of the blood supply.

Each day, the Red Cross needs to collect more than 13,000 blood donations to meet the needs of patients at approximately 2,500 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country.

At a Glance

Learn how The American Red Cross and PEANUTS®’ purpose-driven campaign was able to:

  • Repurpose user generated content
  • Increase engagement and education
  • Reach new donors

Background The Power of EMV

Founded by a core team who spent their careers working in-house at top EMV brands, GateMaker Community understands the power of EMV as a leading indicator of revenue and new customer acquisition, and partners with incredible companies to help them build community and influencer programs at a serious scale with impactful results.

So when L'Occitane en Provence sought to partner with GateMaker Community with the goal of becoming a top 25 skincare brand by EMV, it was the perfect match.


Vandana Tandon

CMO, L’Occitane North America 


Vandana Tandon

CMO, L’Occitane North America 


Vandana Tandon

CMO, L’Occitane North America 


Vandana Tandon

CMO, L’Occitane North America 

Background Turning Compassion into Action

With a focus on the needs of the people they serve, the American Red Cross puts the care and support of communities first.

In April 2023, the American Red Cross partnered with Activate HQ, an agency passionate about purpose-driven influencer marketing, to help them bring the PEANUTS® partnership to life and ensure it aligned with their brand vision. The "Be cool. Give blood." campaign was built around the premise that the comic strips that have charmed readers for generations encourage community members to take care of one another.

Meghan Gargan
National Director, Digital Marketing, Red Cross
Darren Irby
National Marketing Partner, Red Cross
Aaron Earls
Founder and CEO, Activate HQ

“Influencers play an important role as they help us tell authentic powerful stories of the need and benefits of donating blood and provide us with content we can use in an omnichannel approach across paid and organic social, earned media and email.

We love working with ActivateHQ and CreatorIQ to identify and collaborate with influencers and effectively measure this important program.”

Meghan Gargan National Director, Digital Marketing, Red Cross

Mission Drive Blood Donations

The American Red Cross and PEANUTS® joined forces to remind friends that it’s cool to be kind and help save lives. Donors received an exclusive Red Cross and PEANUTS® t-shirt featuring Snoopy as the coolest beagle in town, Joe Cool!

The campaign goals were to drive blood donations by raising awareness and creating interest in the American Red Cross and PEANUTS® promotion with fans of PEANUTS® and beyond. It also sought to increase engagement and education around the ongoing importance of blood donation and the urgent need for blood donors. Furthermore, another goal included creating influencer video content that could be used across other forms of marketing for the American Red Cross, including paid social ads.

Challenges Activating New Audiences

Through Red Cross Biomedical Services brand and marketing partnerships, they empower the best of humanity. They’ve worked together with generous partners such as PEANUTS® to mobilize loyal supporters to support the greater good by donating blood.

These partnerships have helped mobilize different communities and audiences by informing them of the important need for blood donations while providing unique “donor rewards” such as the exclusive Red Cross PEANUTS® t-shirt for their contribution.

“The influencer program played a critical role in activating the PEANUTS® community which led to mobilizing a larger Gen Z and millennial cohort to donate. This campaign set records for Gen Z donations—helping introduce the rewarding altruistic power of giving blood to an entire new generation of donors.”

Darren Irby National Marketing Partner, Red Cross

Solutions A ​​Purpose-Driven, Exclusive Offer

The campaign incorporated several best practices focused on authenticity, community, and value that helped make it so successful.

When selecting creator partners and crafting the campaign messaging, the American Red Cross and Activate HQ knew there had to be an authentic connection with the brand, creator, and the creator's community. For this purpose-driven campaign, they sought to ignite interest and engagement within the very passionate PEANUTS® community about this unique opportunity. Due to the large number of core PEANUTS® fans, they knew it could lead to increased donations within this community while also reaching and exciting a wider audience of casual fans.

This strategy came to fruition with the first-time donor response the highest it had been in over a year; in April 2023, there were 70,000+ first time donors, which is over 16,000 more first time donors compared to all months since April 2022 and the highest since July 2020. They saw significant participation from Gen Z, which is a coveted demographic to introduce the importance of ongoing blood donations as this generation has a track record of being civic-minded and altruistic. Not only did Gen Z show up to donate (10% of the presenting donors were ages 16 to 19), they proudly created over 100 UGC videos generating over 2M engagements by sharing their experience, helping inspire even more donors to participate. The promotion is credited for 98% of the donor appointments and 91% of the donor presentations in April 2023.


Image sources from left to right: @mykomushroom, @thehermidas, @mrs.frazzled

To take this a step further and provide value to their loyal fans, the American Red Cross provided an exclusive PEANUTS® t-shirt with Snoopy + American Red Cross branding in exchange for donating blood, creating a win-win-win for the brand, creators, and potential donors. To keep the content momentum going, the donation centers featured the exclusive branding in their signage and stickers making it easy for creators and donors to capture and share additional PEANUTS® + American Red Cross-branded content leading to millions of earned media impressions via user-generated content inspired by the creator campaign.

“We couldn't ask for a better partner as the Red Cross team is tremendously strategic with a purpose driven mission perfectly suited for cause influencer marketing. Cause campaigns such as PEANUTS® do well as it's a win win for donors as they altruistically help others while receiving a one of a kind custom PEANUTS® and Red Cross t-shirt as a gift for their donation.”

Aaron Earls Founder and CEO, Activate HQ


  • 113 total posts from paid and UGC creators resulted in:
    13.7M impressions | 4.3M reach | $1.1M social media value | 2M engagements
  • 600% increase in web traffic during the first week of the campaign compared to previous weeks
  • 70,000+ first time donors in April 2023
  • 14,000+ new donors in the first week compared to a weekly average of 7.7K in March 2023
  • 10% of the presenting donors were ages 16 to 19
  • The promotion was credited for 98% of the donor appointments during April 2023
  • Reached nearly 7.7M unique contacts through 57.2M marketing sends
  • The first Red Cross Instagram post of the promotion garnered more social impressions and engagement than any Red Cross post ever published on the platform

This campaign also fostered a lot of user generated posts leading to even greater awareness of the campaign as donors wanted to share their contribution to helping others while also showing off their bespoke tshirt.

The Red Cross helped facilitate UGC posts by having campaign signage in donation centers that encouraged posting.”

Aaron Earls Founder and CEO, Activate HQ

Fast Questions with American Red Cross

  • How would you describe your experience with CreatorIQ in three words?Insightful, Actionable and Measurable
  • What would you tell other companies considering using CreatorIQ?If you’re investing in influencer marketing, CreatorIQ is instrumental.
  • How has it been working with CreatorIQ’s team?The CreatorIQ team is the leading SaaS team in the influencer marketing space who are incredibly smart influencer marketing experts and are responsive.
  • What would your job be like if you didn't have CreatorIQ?CreatorIQ plays an instrumental role in our ability to properly plan, benchmark and measure campaigns.

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