
Download this benchmark report and use these metrics to seamlessly measure your campaign’s performance and refine your strategy.

Benchmarks are broken out by:

  • Platform
  • Creator Size

"We had started to see a shift pre-COVID to content moving away from perfectly curated to more real and in the moment, and COVID accelerated the shift. Brands have also become less afraid to partner with talent who are outspoken or ‘political’. "
Reesa Lake
Reesa Lake, Partner EVP - Digital Brand Architects

Comparing Benchmark Data from Q2 2020 to Q2 2021

TikTok engagement rates remained very high when compared to other popular platforms like Instagram

For mega influencers on Instagram, the average engagement rate was 0.35%, while on TikTok, mega influencers had an engagement rate of 11.83%. If engagement rate is essential to your strategy, TikTok should be a priority.

Nano and micro influencers outperformed their engagement rates from the same quarter last year. If you aren’t working with micro and nano influencers already, consider a test as a piece of your strategy.

There was an increase in nano & micro engagement rates on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok
Influencers with more significant followings, i.e. mega influencers, saw a decrease in engagement rates

Mega influencers’ engagement rates decreased or remained flat on most platforms compared to Q2 2020. With engagement rates on the decline for influencers with large followings, consider how this impacts your strategy.

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Looking for additional resources?
Read Forrester’s Influencer Marketing Solutions evaluation:
The Forrester New Wave™ Report
Treasure Chest

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