As an enterprise marketer, you know that a strong creator marketing program has become the bare minimum for industry leaders. If you’re not seriously investing in creators, you’ll lose touch with consumers, and watch helplessly as nimble, creator-led brands steal the spotlight—and your market share.
But good creator marketing requires more than just adding a line item to the budget and outsourcing the hard work. It’s about fully integrating creators into your global marketing strategy, and building the infrastructure to set up your various teams for success.
Of course, scaling an organized, effective creator marketing program across all your brands, teams, and regions is easier said than done. Let’s break down the five biggest challenges that brands face when scaling their programs, and see how the top enterprise players overcome them.
Running a global influencer marketing program can feel like herding cats—if those cats were scattered across different continents, spoke different languages, and had different priorities. The metaphor’s breaking down a bit, but you get the point: it’s chaos.
Without a centralized system, you’re not just managing chaos—you’re multiplying it.
Now, imagine every aspect of your program centralized in one place: a shared global creator CRM, enterprise-level reporting, and a seamless communication platform that gives your international HQ complete visibility into the entire operation.
Nestlé Health Science nailed these steps by rolling out a centralized platform that kept tabs on creator marketing across multiple brands and regions. The result? Boosted efficiency, consistency, and the ability to scale successes worldwide.
You want a diverse, loyal, and growing community of creators repping your band. But with millions of potential voices out there, it’s a bit like dating—except you’re swiping left on thousands of profiles, hoping to avoid the one with bad vibes (or worse, bad press).
This is where AI-powered search and discovery tools come in.
Want to learn more about mastering creator search? Check out our comprehensive guide.
Data, data everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Most enterprise brands are drowning in data, but struggle to turn it into intelligence they can actually use.
The solution? A centralized system that not only collects data, but also makes sense of it. Here’s how the latest tech turns creator data into creator intelligence:
Renowned agency Burson has used these capabilities to drive meaningful impact for their enterprise clients.
“We’re able to track everything efficiently, monitor what’s working well and what’s not, and optimize those campaigns,” Burson’s Shakira Akinjobi said.
Your creator data isn’t just sensitive—it’s the lifeblood of your creator marketing strategy. A data breach can damage your reputation faster than a TikTok craze goes viral. That’s why data security and compliance need to be the bedrock of your creator marketing operations.
Here’s how top enterprise brands are securing their creator programs with the right software:
Ensuring your data is locked down isn’t just about avoiding a crisis—it’s about maintaining the integrity of your brand, and the trust you’ve worked so hard to build.
Your creator marketing can’t exist in a silo. To make an impact, it needs to play nicely with the rest of your business.
That means connecting your creator marketing data and insights with everything else—your back-end system, BI tools, and entire marketing mix—so that all the pieces of your marketing puzzle fit together seamlessly.
If your creator marketing is still out there on its own, it’s time to bring it into the fold. Connect the dots, integrate the data, and watch as your marketing efforts reach new heights.
Scaling an influencer marketing program at the enterprise level is a complex challenge, but when done right, it can deliver significant rewards.
As you evaluate your current creator marketing strategy, think about how these capabilities can help you overcome the obstacles that may be holding you back. With the right approach, your creator marketing can become a powerful engine for growth, and a crucial component in helping you lead your industry.